Monday, September 5, 2011

So far, so good

I am now 4 days out from my surgery; technical name of what I had done:  open reduction internal fixation with iliac crest bone graft.   Basically, my orthopaedic surgeon made an incision in my hip, pulled out some bone marrow, then made another incision at my clavicle, pulled apart the two ends of the broken clavicle and matched them up end-to-end, packed in some marrow from the graft, took a metal plate, and drilled 9 screws into my clavicle.  Sounds simple, right?

I have been in a bit of pain, but already, things feel better than before the surgery.  Everything feels better "lined up", and my back spasms are gone.  We went to the Bonney Lake triathlon on Saturday, and I watched David race.  Some people, including the person that finished second last year, Bryan, the previous race announcer, Randy, various triathletes, and Rory and Deanna Muller, all recognized me.  I guess it was nice being a semi-celebrity.  Bryan won the race this year, and hoped that I would return next year, so he could race me.  That was nice to hear.  I went for a walk around Chambers Bay yesterday, and my hip started getting sore by the time I was done.  But it felt good to move around.  I'm still living a bit through chemistry, using some pain meds, especially at night.  I'm hopeful I can stop doing this soon.  For now, I'm still in the "chair of healing."

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