Today is a double-header. Actually the entry just before this was written yesterday. I wasn't sure whether I was going to keep it or delete it, and then I figured that this was my blog and I can do whatever I want.
Today's thoughts are less esoteric and more along the lines of what this blog was intended for: running and triathlons. I ran yesterday in my Newtons. It has been a few weeks since I ran in them, since I'm still trying to like the K-Swiss Kwicky's that I got last year. Because of this, I've been running primarily in them; the other admission is that I haven't been running much at all in the past few weeks. Truth be told, I haven't been enjoying running recently. Coincidentally (or maybe not), most if not all of my runs have been with the Kwickys. My feet have hurt a bit more, my legs have not felt as "snappy," and my body has ached a bit more the following day. Since the weather has been wet recently, I decided to use my Newton Momentums, which were more likely to keep my feet drier. The Kwickys have drain holes in the sole, which not only let water out, but also let water in, so not the best choice when there are puddles around.
But... the weather was cool and dry, the roads were dry, and the trails were mostly dry. I ran from the hospital after work because I had a meeting until 5:00. As I started on my run, my legs felt pretty good, better than they've felt in a few weeks. And my entire run felt good and, while not effortless, seemed less of a slog than it has been. It again had me wondering: what is it about Newtons that seems to fit my running style so well? Most of the time that I run in them, I feel better than when running in other shoes. At first, I thought it was a placebo effect, but it has been pretty repeatable. I have switched off shoes since the early 80's when I worked in a running shoe store. And I have always used two different kinds (and usually brands) of shoes. The first reason is that this is supposed to increase shoe life; of course, that's more the case if you are running every day. The second reason (and the reason I use different models/brands) is to keep from developing a repetitive stress injury. Changing the models/brands causes you to run slightly differently, and, theoretically, decreases risk of injury.
Anyway, by doing this, along with justifying the inner Imelda Marcos in me, I do learn which shoes work better for me. What I've found over the past several years is that Newtons work for me. Obviously, they're not for everyone, but I like them. I'll probably keep alternating shoes, but I think the idea that the Newtons make it easier for me to enjoy running is real. And I may retire the Kwickys early.
(I am not sponsored by, nor do I have any affiliation with Newton Running... not yet at least!)
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