I ran yesterday morning, a couple of days after the worst run I've had in a long time. 3 days ago, it was 80 degrees and sunny when I ran in the afternoon. I felt tired from the start, but thought that it would improve as I got into it. The plan was to run a long tempo, but two miles into it, I bailed and finished the rest of the six miles at an easy pace. I felt horrible the entire time. So, yesterday morning, I had no preconceived ideas about how I would feel, since I was running at 5:00 AM, and I am NOT a morning runner. Within the first 1/4 mile, I could sense that I was going to feel much better.
While I was running, I tried to go over the new Taiko song that our group is working on for Obon. The song is complex, with a lot of different, but similar phrases, and many different katas (movements). Since Taiko drumming is as much about the choreography as the music, it is pretty challenging to remember the correct order and movements. I spent the entire run, reviewing the music and the katas. My run went well, and I think I have most of the song by memory. I'll certainly find out during our next rehearsal. I'm sure I made an interesting picture, swinging my arms around at seemingly random times during my run.
It's funny how different one run is from the next. I had anticipated the tempo run all day, figuring that the warmth would make me feel good. And I didn't think a 5:00 AM run would feel good at all. Of course, it was the complete opposite. I guess 30 degrees and bright sunshine do make a difference. I was reading an article about Bevan Docherty where he says that racing in the heat is all a matter of fitness. Obviously, from my run on Tuesday, I'm not very fit. Hopefully, I'll acclimate and get more fit by the end of the summer.
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