Sunday, August 28, 2011

Returning to the scene of the crime

Today was a beautiful day for a bike ride.  It was one of those memorable Pacific Northwest summer days, and I decided to ride outside for the first time since my accident.  The good news is that my Cervelo is still a great ride and I remained upright.  I even managed to take the corners without freaking out.  The bad news is that the axiom "use it or lose it" is definitely true in cycling.  I didn't feel too terrible, but was riding pretty slowly (18.6 MPH and 153 Watts for the entire ride).  But at least I was outside.  And then I decided that I needed to revisit the scene of my crash.  As I rolled through the corner, I understood better why I might have crashed:  the pavement in the corner is pretty chewed up, and traction is pretty bad, even on a dry day like today.  On a rainy day, it's a pretty bad corner.

So now, I wait for surgery later this week.  It will be a plate, some screws, and some bone grafting.  Then, back to the "chair of healing" in hopes that everything will completely heal.  I didn't think that it would be nearly 6 months until I would be back to training, but I guess that's the way it goes sometimes.

I have heard that the worst of Hurricane Irene has passed the major population centers on the East Coast.  I hope that all of those who live there are doing well and are safe.  My best wishes to everyone there.

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