Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Another brick in the wall

Today was a day to "check the box."  My schedule called for a 5 mile recovery run with strides.  Tomorrow's run was a 10 mile run.  Since I am Attending tomorrow afternoon, I decided to switch the workouts.  That way, I would also get a semi-rest day before my next interval workout.  I was still a bit sore from Sunday's run (just another way that my body is telling me that I'm no longer young), but nothing that wouldn't go away after a few miles (at least that was my hope).  Clearly, as you train for longer events, you realize that the muscle fatigue and soreness is part of the process, and is just there to remind you that you are working your body.  And then you promptly forget this after the event is over.  The other thing that is pretty amazing is how quickly your body adapts to the stressors.  A 10 mile run early in my training program was long and tiring; today's run was simply a cruise, with virtually no perceived stress.  It gives me hope that my body is making the necessary adaptations to run the marathon in time for Boston.  That's why I call it "checking the box."  Some workouts are epic; some are for recovery; and some are just to put in the time.  Today was that kind of day.  And even though it was partly sunny, it wouldn't have been a springtime run in the Pacific Northwest if there hadn't been a brief rain shower.  Of course.

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