Daylight savings time is this weekend. We get to spring forward, which means one less hour of sleep on Sunday. Rats. On the bright side (pun intended), this means that it will stay lighter longer. On the down side, it will be dark in the morning for a little while longer. But it means that we're on the way to warmer, sunnier, brighter weather (hopefully). Yesterday's run was definitely one of the more pleasant ones of the year, weather-wise. It was still light when I headed out at 5:00 PM for an easy six mile run. After running through the tip of Fort Steilacoom park, I headed home for some strides. All in all, it was a fairly easy running day, and the stress of the past two months has melted away. Now, I just have to concentrate on (and worry about) the marathon. If the above makes you think I'm obsessed with the weather, well, I'm not. I'm just finding it harder to go out and do things when the weather isn't cooperating. I guess it is too many runs and rides in the winter rain that has done it to me. Cold is fine... snow is fine...cold rain? Not so fine.
Wave 1 or Wave 2? That is the question. I just read about the decision to add a third wave to the Boston Marathon. They're planning to break it up into three equal waves, with the exact cutoff between waves still to be determined. Tentatively, they mentioned 3:22:42 as the cutoff, and since my qualifying time is 3:23:16, I'm either at the tail end of Wave 1 or at the front of Wave 2. Does it matter? I guess the biggest thing is to make sure I don't start out too fast, which has always been my problem. We'll see.
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