Monday, April 4, 2011

A bad wheel

Today is a day off from running.  This is both planned and fortuitous.  The knee pain that I mentioned yesterday persists, and is both puzzling and troubling me:  puzzling because I can't exactly localize it, although I know how I did it; and troubling because... well, it's two weeks to the day before the marathon, and, last I heard, running involves two legs and not one.  I'm pretty sure that the knee pain was caused by turning my ankle twice while running long last weekend.  When I went on the track the following Tuesday, I could feel it towards the end.  And, as I was running yesterday, it started to bother me while I was running up Chambers Creek.  I couldn't understand this, since the pain was lateral, and I was running up the hill on the right side of the road; I know that runners are supposed to run on the left against traffic, but I'd much rather be running with traffic up a hill instead of against traffic (where cars are screaming downhill).  So, I usually stay on the right when going uphill.  Anyway, the camber of the road would put more stress on the medial aspect of my left knee, but it was bugging me laterally.  And when I came back down the same road (this time against traffic on the left), it really started to hurt.  Hmmmm.  Well, that made sense because the camber was now putting the stress laterally, and I was going downhill. 

I can't find an exact spot that says that it hurts "RIGHT HERE."  All I know is that something hurts in here:
I'm hoping that a day off with some stretching and a massage will help to calm it down. 

Can you tell I'm stressing about it, oh, maybe just a little bit?

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